Page 4 - Seinfeld


Seinfeld: The Progressively Easier George Quiz

Let’s see how much you know about the crazy world of Seinfeld's George Costanza!
By Jen Gallie

Seinfeld Quiz: Did Jerry Or George Say It?

Are you able to tell the difference between an observation of Jerry’s and a George rant?
By Jen Gallie

Seinfeld Or How I Met Your Mother Quotes Quiz: Who Said It - Elaine Benes Or Robin Scherbatsky?

Was it Laney or Sparkles?
By Aimee Klapisch

Seinfeld: The Ultimate Guest Star Quiz

Only the biggest fans of Seinfeld will be able to work out who all these guest stars played.
By Jen Gallie

Friends Quiz: Can You Name These Exes?

Can you identify 12 of Joey, Chandler, Monica, Phoebe, Ross and Rachel exes? Let's find out!
By Jen Gallie

Seinfeld Quiz: Can You Name These Exes?

Can you recall what the name of Jerry's ex whose name even he could not remember?
By Jen Gallie

Seinfeld Quiz: Whose Nickname Is It?

Let's see if you can get top marks in this ultimate Seinfeld nicknames quiz!
By Jen Gallie

Seinfeld Quiz: Who Did It - Jerry Or Elaine?

Will you prove to be the ultimate fan of Seinfeld in this Elaine and Jerry quiz? Let's find…
By Jen Gallie

Seinfeld Quiz: Who Did It - Jerry Or George?

Let's find out if you know everything about George Costanza and Jerry Seinfeld!
By Jen Gallie

Seinfeld Quiz: The Progressively Harder True Or False Quiz

Et's see if you have an IQ the size of Elaine’s when it comes to Seinfeld knowledge!
By Jen Gallie