10 Awesome Doctor Who Episodes That You Can Only Watch Once

3. The Invasion Of Time

Doctor Who The Parting of the Ways Billie Piper Bad Wolf

From the sublime to the ridiculous. The Invasion Of Time had the makings of a great adventure. Sending Tom Baker back to Gallifrey, there were slight warning signs due to the presence of lengths of tinfoil with unprepossessing accents. Still, this was Doctor Who. Creative uses for household staples was a given.

Awesome gave way to aberration when the metallic Vardans turned out to be a front for an invading army of Cockney Sontarans. At this point the scripts gave way to some crazy concepts. The interior of the TARDIS resembling an adjunct of Grange Hill was just one of the shockingly poor sights on offer.

So do yourselves a favour and don't embark on this particular journey. It'll only end in recriminations, or if you're especially tetchy Who-related violence. David Agnew wrote the bloated finale, though this was a pseudonym for producer Graham Williams and script editor Anthony Read, sparing more blushes than a hurricane at a wig convention.


I am a journalist and comedian who enjoys American movies of the 70s, Amicus horror compendiums, Doctor Who, Twin Peaks, Naomi Watts and sitting down. My short fiction has been published as part of the Iris Wildthyme range from Obverse Books.