10 Badass Moments From TV Characters You Never Expected

5. Brent Stands Up To Finchy €“ The Office

There are no particularly evil characters in The Office, despite very few of them being particularly likable. Gareth is ignorant more than anything else, Neil and Jennifer are just doing their jobs when they tell Brent off, and Brent himself is simply attention-seeking and utterly unaware of the impression he gives. Chris Finch, Brent's good friend and a travelling sales representative is perhaps the closest the show has to a villain. It's sad that Brent looks up to Finchy so much, when all Chris ever does is take the mickey out of him. Brent always takes it, seeing it as "banter" and believing that Finchy can do no wrong, up until the final episode of the series: Neil asks why Brent didn't bring his new dog, Nelson, to the party. Finchy makes a joke about how he did bring a dog: "Didn't you see her?" he laughs, referring to Brent's blind date. Instead of laughing along, Brent responds, "Chris... why don't you f*** off?" before walking away. It's a fantastic moment in the show, and one that was long overdue; Ricky Gervais later claimed that he had so much passion behind the line, that he nearly cried or shouted just delivering it. Luckily he didn't: it's the calmness in the quote that makes it quite so cool.

Mark White hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.