10 Badass Moments From TV Characters You Never Expected

3. Claire Tries To Kill Peter In The Future €“ Heroes

As the show progressed, it became apparent that Heroes was running out of ideas; it took until the third season for the show's creator, Tim Kring, to truly revel in the amorality that can come from developing superpowers, after all. Claire Bennet was the first character to be seen in Season 3, albeit a version of her from the future; no longer an innocent, blonde cheerleader, she had darker hair, a scowl, and was prepared to kill the show's protagonist Peter Petrelli. Peter felt that if he travelled back in time to prevent people finding out about special abilities, the special people wouldn't be tested on in experiments or camps. Claire didn't care about that, and shot him; though Peter froze time before the bullet reached him (come on, nobody dies in Heroes). It was a shock for fans. Claire was morally dependable in the show, always one of the good guys without question. More to the point, she was only there to end up in fatal accidents and whine about how she wanted a normal life. It's typical that the one time she was actually cool, it didn't count because it was in a future that never happened.

Mark White hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.