10 Best Batman Beyond Episodes

4. The Call

Batman Beyond Spellbinder
Warner Bros.

The Call is the first two-parter here, and features Terry being invited to join the Justice League. It could have very easily been a stale filler episode, but ends up having one of the best plots of the entire series. The only reason it doesn’t get higher here is because it throws too much of the spotlight off Terry and Bruce.

The plot concerns a traitor in the ranks of the Justice League, with Superman recruiting Terry to investigate; because Terry's an outsider, he couldn’t possibly be the culprit, which adds some great friction between Batman and the rest of the League.

Batman discovers that Superman himself is the mole as the first episode closes, but it’s the second part that really piles the twists up high. Warhawk returns from the dead, Superman had been mind controlled, and Bruce Wayne has been hoarding a sliver of Kryptonite, just in case.

Bringing in the extra characters with their new fighting styles certainly makes for entertaining action sequences, and pitting them against each other as the mind control creatures attack offers something different to the usual good vs bad dynamic.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)