10 Best Modern Doctor Who Episodes For Halloween

8. Night Terrors (Season 6, Episode 9)

Doctor Who Midnight

Night Terrors sees a seven-year-old boy called George terrified of everything in his room, and all the odd sounds of the estate he lives on. His plea of ‘protect me from the monsters’ somehow manages to make it across time and space, and onto the Doctor’s psychic paper. Of course, the Doctor, Amy and Rory naturally go to investigate. Only to become trapped in the nightmare themselves.

Highlights of the episode include Amy and Rory wandering about a dark dolls’ house, filled with creepy white-faced creatures; and the Doctor interacting with the boy and his father. There’s a particularly lovely moment where the Doctor uses his sonic screwdriver to activate all George’s toys. It’s also nice to see a scary episode set in a block of flats rather than a village or country house, proving that even in the middle of a well-lit city, there are terrifying things in the shadows.

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A freelance writer and Doctor Who fan.