10 Best Spaceships In The Doctor Who Universe

1. Starship UK

Doctor Who World Enough And Time Mondasian colony ship
BBC Studios

Starship UK is a remarkable feat of engineering, especially considering the difficult circumstances under which it was constructed.

In simple terms, the ship is a condensed, all-metallic version of the United Kingdom (minus Scotland) that was built out of necessity when the Earth was threatened by solar flares. Instead of rockets or propellers though, the ship is powered by an enormous, peaceful alien called a Star Whale, a controversial engine choice that fuels the conflict of this episode - Series 5's underrated The Beast Below.

It's an unusual vessel with an unusual underbelly (quite literally), but despite this, its residents seem to live relatively normal lives. They have shops and schools, bicycles and televisions, politics and royals: an ordinary, functioning society.

The whole place feels like a slice of pure Britishness too, with Union Jack flags emblazoned everywhere, and grimy market streets that give off a down-to-earth, working-class vibe. Starship UK certainly doesn't feel futuristic or space-y, but that's exactly what makes it feel like a home for the people.

Sure, there's the whole "people being fed to the Star Whale" thing - and those sinister SmileBots - but come on, no society is perfect!

Doctor Who Quiz: How Well Do You Know Matt Smith's 11th Doctor?

Matt Smith Doctor Who the Eleventh Doctor
BBC Studios

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