10 Best Spaceships In The Doctor Who Universe

2. The Silurian Ark

Doctor Who World Enough And Time Mondasian colony ship

People often forget about the Silurian Ark due to it appearing in an unpopular episode, but it's got everything you could possibly want in a pretty darn cool spaceship.

For starters, there's its fascinating, one-of-a-kind exterior design, resembling some sort of atom or particle. The ship itself looks like it's alive, which is extremely fitting, considering that its purpose is to help the Silurians (and their dinosaur passengers) find a new home.

On the inside, the ship contains an interesting mixture of nature and technology, just as you'd expect from the Silurians. There are vines and cobwebs growing across metal walls, computer terminals surrounded by lush, leafy plants, and best of all, the engine room is actually a beach, with the ship being powered by hydroelectric means. The piloting system is also interesting, requiring two people from the same gene pool to work together in a Pacific Rim-style mind-meld.

Again... it's pretty darn cool.

This ship feels like a melting pot of curious design choices and unusual inspirations - which is probably why it made such a big impression in a short amount of time.

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WhoCulture Channel Manager/Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture. Can confirm that bow ties are cool.