10 Best Spaceships In The Doctor Who Universe

3. The Sontaran Flagship & Scout Ships

Doctor Who World Enough And Time Mondasian colony ship

The Sontarans are one of the most organised military forces in the universe, so it's little surprise that their primary spaceships are similarly efficient.

Their flagship and their scout ships have an almost symbiotic relationship, with the golf ball-esque scout ships docking directly into the main body of the flagship. These scout ships allow the Sontarans to, well, scout ahead, letting them get the lay of the land while assessing enemy forces.

They can turn invisible while on the ground too, making them impossible to detect - unless somebody walks into one, of course. And when the scouting is finished, each ship can quickly return to the flagship, by way of automatic return technology.

The flagship itself is an intimidating sight, with four metal claws on its top, and another four on its bottom. It's unbelievably strong and cannot be penetrated with ordinary Earth weaponry, and offensively, it possesses a cannon that can destroy an entire planet. Think the Death Star, except it's wielded by tiny potato men.

In Series 4's The Poison Sky, Luke Rattigan is able to destroy a Sontaran flagship by creating an explosion from the inside, but it's an indication of the Sontarans' military might that the only way to beat them was with a last-ditch suicide mission.

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