10 Best Star Trek: Voyager Episodes Not About The Main Cast

8. Ashes To Ashes

Star Trek Ashes To Ashes

Ensign Lyndsey Ballard, played by Kim Rhodes, contacts Voyager asking for their help. She had previously been killed and her body was buried in a torpedo casing in space, as per Starfleet tradition. However, the Kobali, an alien race who procreate by harvesting the dead bodies of other races and converting them to their own, discovered her, reanimating her and renaming her Jhet'laya.

It is a touching episode that explores a little of the 'lower decks' side of Star Trek. While the audience had never heard of Ballard before, she is explained as a member of the crew who had been involved with Harry Kim. As she wasn't a member of the bridge crew, the audience simply never saw her. All of that, and she undergoes a wild journey in the Delta Quadrant.

She is unable to adapt to life on board Voyager again, opting to leave and return to the Kobali, though she and Harry are able to gain a little closure on their feelings before she leaves. It is a touching episode, aided by Rhodes and Garrett Wang's excellent chemistry as well.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick