10 Best Star Trek: Voyager Episodes

5. Living Witness

Voyager Janeway Tuvok

Directed by Tim Russ, Living Witness is the closest that Voyager came to doing a Mirror Universe episode. The crew are depicted as brutal savages but instead of a parallel world, they have been written like this in the history of the Kyrian people. A backup file of the Doctor is awakened after several hundred years in a museum and is horrified at what he finds.

It is a what-if scenario, but not as fun as other Mirror Universe episodes. This is played fairly straight, even if Tuvok does sport an evil goatee. This episode serves as a reminder that history is written by the victors in any conflict.

The cast gives it their all when playing the twisted versions of themselves. Kate Mulgrew is chilling as the evil Captain Janeway, though the episode belongs to Robert Picardo. Despite his best efforts, he is forced to accept that there is little he can do to change history's view of his ship. He leaves the planet to follow Voyager's course home, which allows the audience to hope he may turn up in the 32nd century at some point!


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick