10 Best Star Trek: Voyager Episodes

4. Timeless

Voyager Janeway Tuvok
CBS Media Ventures

Voyager's 100th episode is a tense race against the clock to save the ship and her crew from certain destruction. Harry Kim and Chakotay, fifteen years in the future, find the wreckage of the vessel on a frozen planet in the same spot where it had crash-landed all those years before. Their sole purpose is to send a message through time to prevent the disaster from taking place.

The episode features Voyager's experiment with slipstream technology, along with a drunk Seven of Nine, the Galaxy-class USS Challenger, commanded by Captain Geordi LaForge and one of the most spectacular scenes in Voyager's run. The crash landing on the planet is brutal and it is not hard to imagine every member of the crew being killed instantly.

Garrett Wang truly sells this episode as the older Harry Kim. His bitterness and regret at his mistake have fueled him. Harry was often an underused character on Voyager, something which only tended to get a little more frequent after the fourth season. However, Timeless manages to offer him one of his finest hours and leads to a poignant moment where older and younger Kims are joined, if only by video message.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick