10 Best X-Men: The Animated Series Episodes

7. Time Fugitives, Part 2

X-Men 90s Cartoon

Not long after Days of Future Past, we’re given another glimpse into the future, this time with Apocalypse wreaking havoc. With Bishop already in the past, it's now Cable who travels to present day. His task is to stop Bishop from destroying Cable’s future. We're half way through an entertaining second season and again we're confronted with the peril that exists in the future.

Without being too convoluted, Time Fugitives really lets The Animated Series embrace the comic book elements of ever-changing timelines. These two episodes also help refocus the season, as the early parts of Season 2 included a handful of one-off episodes that didn't really serve an overarching story.

It also brings Apocalypse back into the fold, foreshadowing that he's destined to cross paths with the X-Men again in the present-day.


Nick Dauk hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.