10 Big Film Stars Who Appeared In Doctor Who

6. Ian McKellen

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lV_epitGFGA When it comes to big box office franchises, having a starring role in adaptations of both Tolkein's Middle Earth novels, and Marvel's long running X-Men comics is nothing to complain about. Not only do they have a combined international box office of almost $5 Billion, but when you consider The Hobbit: The Battle Of The Five Armies hasn't even been released yet, it won't be long until this figure is surely exceeded. Although highly regarded for his acting work on stage as much as on the screen, it is hardly as though Gandalf and Magneto are his only cinematic roles, as there are many more which have been unfairly dwarfed. One particular less well known, but equally as impressive role, is his performance in Gods and Monsters which earned him no less than eight best actor awards. Yet more include the Stephen King thriller Apt Pupil, and Six Degrees Of Separation, which gave Will Smith his first starring role on the big screen. Lauded for his wit and self-depreciating sense of humour, voicing the Great Intelligence in The Snowmen was also just his first association with Doctor Who. Alongside his Hobbit co-star and Seventh Doctor Sylvester McCoy, he also cameoed as himself, complete with Gandalf costume, in the 50th anniversary film The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot.

One man fate has made indescribable