10 Big Finish Doctor Who Moments We Wish We Saw On-Screen

6. Meeting The Eleven

Doctor Who Light At The End 0
BBC / Big Finish

Now The Eleven could simply appear to be another Time Lord renegade who goes up against the Doctor, however, that would be a real disservice to the character. The Eleven is a Time Lord with all their previous incarnations still active within their head. First appearing in the Eighth Doctor 'Doom Coalition' series, the Eleven has gone on to be one Big Finish's most original and brilliant characters. This creates an unpredictable psychopath who is plagued by the voices of his previous incarnations.

Played beautifully by Mark Bonner, the Eleven could be Big Finish’s greatest creation. Over the years we’ve met other incarnations of the Time Lord, such as the Nine and the Twelve, played by the brilliant John Heffernan and Julia McKenzie respectively. To see any incarnation on screen would be a real treat, as an original take on a Time Lord villain, as the character has been played by some truly gripping actors.

Due to the voices inside their head, the Eleven is perfect audio, but could be just as effective on screen, with the ability to see the effect and performance the actor could give to portray the role. Plus the storylines the character is involved in, the 'Dark Universe', 'Doom Coalition' and 'Ravenous', are all fantastic.

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