10 Biggest Doctor Who Missed Opportunities

4. Not Bringing Jenny Back

Doctor Who Eleventh Doctor Missy
BBC Studios

Way back in 2008, Stephen Greenhorn penned The Doctor’s Daughter, which introduced us to… well, you know who. The episode isn't top-tier Doctor Who by any means, but that has more to do with the astounding quality of Series 4.

Jenny brought an interesting, temporary dynamic to the show that hadn't been seen since Hartnell’s era, and there are so many avenues you could explore with that parent/child relationship. Just maybe not with David Tennant - would probably feel a bit weird now that Georgia Moffett is his wife.

Jenny's survival at the end of the episode leaves things frustratingly wide open, and seems to suggest there was at least an interest in bringing her back at some point.

We imagine her as an occasional companion, akin to River Song, wheeled out for an adventure every few years. Hell, even bring her back in a multi-Doctor special alongside the Fifth Doctor (her real-life dad), and watch the magic happen!

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Alex is a sci-fi and fantasy swot, and is a writer for WhoCulture. He is incapable of watching TV without reciting trivia, and sometimes, when his heart is in the right place, and the stars are too, he’s worth listening to.