10 Biggest TV Disappointments Of 2016

8. Limitless Failed To Reach Its Limitless Potential

Negan The Walking Dead

Limitless is the movie that cemented Bradley Cooper as a leading man outside The Hangover movies, thanks to the dopey but intriguing premise. It’s easy to see how the concept of a pill that makes you super duper smart could make for a fun show, but Limitless aimed low by turning it into a bog standard procedural.

While Cooper is obviously too busy making that mad blockbuster money, he did produce the show and make several guest appearances as his character from the film, which was a neat tie-in. The downside there is he’s easily the most interesting thing about the story, and it should be following him each week instead of the bland hero who takes the lead.

In the show’s defence, it did have some inventive ideas and it was real easy to watch, but ultimately it wasn’t unique enough to survive past one season, and didn’t gain much of a fanbase to mourn it.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.