10 Doctor Who Monsters That Need Reworking

2. Zygons

As wonderful as the Zygons return in €˜The Day of the Doctor€™ was, their appearance was fundamentally that of a plot-device. In truth any other species could have taken their role in the episode and not much would have needed to be changed. The Zygons as a species are ingenious and they have swiftly become fan favourites despite only appearing in two stories in 51 years. Because of their place in the fans hearts, a story is needed which depicts the Zygons at their full potential. With UNIT€™s next appearance the Zygons will likely appear in cameo form to give some resolution to €˜The Day of the Doctor€™s lingering story thread, but they need a full story to themselves. Imagine visiting their home world, a planet roaming with Skarasen and other deadly monsters. Given Gallifrey€™s return (and Skaro€™s restoration) perhaps a story arc in a later series could see the return of various planets ravaged by the Time War €“ the Sontaran clone planets and the Nestene Consciousness€™ home world (which in turn could lead to another appearance by the Nestene and the Autons?) and this would give way to Zygor€™s return. €˜Deep Breath€™ depicted a tyrannosaurus rampaging through Victorian London. Imagine if that T-Rex was in fact a Skarasen. The CGI capabilities of modern Who would perfectly allow for a believable rendering of the Skarasen to return. Either way, the Zygons next appearance needs to see them as the primary focus.
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English Language and Literature graduate. Creative Writing student. Aspiring creative and professional writer.