10 Doctor Who Bloopers You Need To See
9. The Angel Is Full Of What Now?

Matt Smith had some large shoes to fill when he took the reigns from David Tennant in 2010.
Although his first episode to air was The Eleventh Hour, that wasn't the first episode he filmed. It was actually The Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone that started his and Karen Gillan's Doctor Who journey.
Naturally then, you can imagine that they felt a great deal of pressure during filming, which might be the reason for this wonderful blunder from Matt Smith.
During a sequence in Flesh and Stone where the Doctor guides Amy Pond (who is unable to open her eyes) to his location, he warns her that "the forest is full of Angels". But during one take, Smith got a little muddled with his lines, and said "the Angel is full of forests" instead (3:51 in the video below).
What makes this even funnier is the fact that he doesn't even notice his mistake until a crew member points it out to him. Blooper aside, this speaks volumes to the level of commitment and focus Smith brought to the role from day one.