10 Doctor Who Characters Nobody Wants To See Return

6. Courtney Woods

Doctor Who Clara Oswald
BBC Studios

An unwanted addition to an already controversial episode, Courtney Woods' main role was in Series 8's Kill the Moon. She was a student of Clara's at Coal Hill School, who accompanies the TARDIS team on a trip to the moon in 2049.

Things quickly go south however, as they discover a crew on a mission to destroy the moon. Throughout this adventure, Courtney seems to do nothing but moan about their predicament, annoying both the Doctor and Clara in the process. Courtney is also used to play up the stereotype of young people being addicted to smartphones and technology, which was already a tired trope back in 2014 (even though it's kinda true, let's be honest).

She also appears throughout Series 8 in segments showing Clara and Danny teaching at Coal Hill School, and isn't very likeable in any of her scenes.

With Courtney in Series 8, Angie and Artie in Nightmare in Silver, and the kids in In the Forest of the Night, Doctor Who had a lot of annoying youngsters back in 2013/2014, which is a phase that thankfully didn't last long.

The TARDIS desperately needs one of those "Not for kids" signs.

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