10 Doctor Who Characters That Should Return

8. The General

Eighth Doctor

Again, another strange choice, but The General is another character who became important within The Doctor's life during the Moffat era. His first appearance in The Day of the Doctor placed him at the heart of crucial events, leading to The Doctor announcing his new plans to save Gallifrey, ultimately re-writing his own history.

Naturally, he came back during the events of Hell Bent, and once again became an integral element in The Doctor's narrative, given that he discarded his loyalty for Rassilon and sided with The Doctor during his rebellion against the insane, ancient Time Lord. Sadly, The Doctor in his Hybrid state certainly dicked over The General (which I still think is one of the most insulting scenes in Doctor Who history) but they ultimately regenerated and lived on.

So, it makes me wonder what happened to them. Did they perish with the rest of the Time Lords on Gallifrey during The Master's onslaught. It'd be nice to shed some light on how The Master ultimately destroyed the Time Lords (considering he presumably did it by himself). What if The General somehow survived, and actually helped the innocent bystanders caught in the middle of this brutal skirmish survive, and they escaped off-world to rebuild Time Lord society in some shape or form. Also, The General recently reappeared in Big Finish, so clearly their character hasn't been forgotten, and this means there's every chance they could return on screen one day.

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Loving husband and full-time nerd. My pastime is analysing and sharing my thoughts on things. I dabble with video games, enjoy a good horror movie, and love my superhero content. And Doctor Who is my favourite show of all times.