10 Doctor Who Characters Who Came Back From The Dead

8. Rory Williams (The Pandorica Opens)


Rory Williams – the love of Amy Pond’s life – was erased from all of history after being killed and sucked into a crack in time. Not exactly a dignified way to go, and even worse was the fact that he had already “died” in what turned out to be a strange and vivid dream during Amy’s Choice. Adding further insult to injury was the fact that being erased from time meant that Amy forgot she ever knew him. Ouch. 

But then an Auton version of Rory appeared as part of an elaborate trap set by an alliance of the Doctor’s worst enemies in a scenario created from Amy’s childhood memories. After this version of Rory assisted the Doctor in rebooting time (confused, yet?), the auton Rory vanished from time replaced once more by the original who, oddly, retained memories of his time as an Auton.

Rory appeared to die and be resurrected several other times, but his being wiped from time was the only occasion it happened for real (his death in Amy’s Choice occurred in a dreamscape), even if it was then cancelled out by the rebooting of the universe. 

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R. M. McLean exists somewhere outside of time and space.