10 Doctor Who Characters Who Should Have Been Companions

9. Craig Owens

The Girl In The Fireplace 346
BBC Studios

James Corden has become quite a controversial figure in pop culture. His act can be quite cliché and forced, yet his acting can actually be quite good. This was demonstrated perfectly in his debut Doctor Who episode The Lodger. This series 5 episode featured the Time-Lord living with newfound friend Craig Owens, played by Corden.

Craig was a genuinely endearing character. His relationship with both his girlfriend and with The Doc is charming, and he manages to hold his own against Matt Smith at his goofiest. You can tell that both of these guys are friends and that friendship oozes off the screen.

Matt Lucas has shown that a bumbling idiot with a heart of gold can go on to be one of the most incredible characters in Doctor Who canon, and that could have been the same with Craig. Seeing him go off on adventures with the Eleventh Doctor whilst developing their bromance could have made for an entertaining, light-hearted series.

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Horror fanatic, exhausted wrestling fan and die hard Brendan Fraser stan.