9. Elton Pope
Well, doesn't that picture just say it all? Doctor Who's filming schedule became so hectic in 2006 - thanks to the last minute addition of the now traditional Christmas Special - that David Tennant and Billie Piper resorted to filming two stories at the same time (it's called 'double-banking', if you want to get technical). This did mean that one of said stories would feature a lot less of our beloved TARDIS team than viewers were used to but it apparently took producers a whole other year to realise that having an episode without the Doctor meant that it was even more vitally important to give fans a story that was actually worth their while. Seriously. Thank God for Blink in Series 3 because Love & Monsters was more than enough to destroy our faith in this 'Doctor-lite' twaddle completely. The episode introduced us to Elton Pope, an "ordinary" bloke on present Day Earth who was obsessed with the Doctor for apparently no reason whatsoever. Viewers reluctantly joined him as he embarked on a mission to track the Time Lord down with the help of other Doctor obsesses who all forgot what their purpose was halfway through the story and started painting and singing songs instead. Back to Elton, though, and... oh, that's pretty much all there is to say about him. He realised he was in love with his best pal Ursula after taking his clothes off in front of Rose's mum, Jackie, and then she got turned into a slab by Peter Kay's Abzorbaloff (Ursula, that is, not Jackie - although that would've been much more interesting!) and the rest of us were apparently supposed to care. And that last quip about how they still have "a bit of a love life". Too far, Russell. Too far. No wonder Elton found it so hard to find the Doctor. He obviously saw what was coming...
Dan Butler
Doctor Who Editor
Dan Butler is the Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture.com. When he isn't writing his own articles or editing other people's, he can be found trawling the internet for gifs of Steven Moffat laughing. Contact him via dan.butler@whatculture.co.uk.
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