10 Doctor Who Couples That Created Unrealistic Expectations About Relationships

2. The Tenth Doctor And Rose Tyler

Ah, now this was really the one to warm the cockles of your Whovian heart(s). After all, it's not everyday that you meet a man who's prepared to quite literally burn up an entire sun just to say goodbye to you, which is pretty ambitious as far as romantic gestures go. For Rose Tyler, though, it seemingly wasn't enough, as she would've quite happily watched two universes collapse if it meant that she could go sailing off into the stratosphere with her beloved Tenth Doctor. At the time it was one of the greatest love stories ever told but you can't help but look back and wonder what the hell all the fuss was about it. Don't get us wrong, it was nice that they both saved each other in their own little way. A war torn Doctor - after being psychically and emotionally ravaged by the climactic events of the Time War - learned to love again after meeting Rose whilst the titular Time Lord showed this shop girl turned Earth defender that there was so much more to life than work, buses, boyfriends and chips. There's a message in there somewhere, and it's not necessarily a healthy one. Still, nothing lasts forever and, after vowing to stick by his side for the rest of her days, the universe ultimately had other ideas. At the climax of the Battle of Canary Wharf, these star crossed lovers ended up in different universes and the whole nation wept as David Tennant and Billie Piper both sobbed into their respective transcendental walls. As it turns out, though, that wasn't really the end after all. Rose came back (and then came back, and then came back again...) and it's an unrealistic expectation about relationships because you can't really expect your other half to go through the trouble of creating a dimension cannon just to get back to you. Assuming that you'll end up with your very own clone version of your beloved is a far reach, too, so you might as well just mourn a bit and then get on with your life like that the rest of us. Seriously, Rose. Let it go.
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Doctor Who Editor
Doctor Who Editor

Dan Butler is the Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture.com. When he isn't writing his own articles or editing other people's, he can be found trawling the internet for gifs of Steven Moffat laughing. Contact him via dan.butler@whatculture.co.uk.