10 Doctor Who Episodes NOBODY Was Ready For

8. Asylum Of The Daleks

Doctor Who The Girl Who Waited Karen Gillan as Amy Pond
BBC Studios

After the announcement that Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill would be making way for Jenna Coleman as the new companion, it was expected that we'd first meet her after the Ponds had left the show.

However, during Asylum of the Daleks, we meet Oswin Oswald (Coleman) living her rather odd day-to-day life, trapped in the Dalek Asylum after crashing there a year prior. Fans would be forgiven for thinking that the Doctor was going to save Oswin and have her join the TARDIS crew - but that wasn’t the case at all.

It turns out that Oswin never escaped from the Daleks after the crash and she became a Dalek herself, but the truth was too much for her to handle, so she created a world inside her head, and was waiting for someone else to come and rescue her.

In simpler terms: Oswin Oswald had died.

It begged the question, "How could Oswin have died if Jenna Coleman was announced to be the next companion?" and though fans would eventually find out that there were multiple versions of Clara/Oswin scattered throughout the Doctor’s life, nobody expected her to be introduced in the way that she was.

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Writer. Loves films and tv shows. Obsessed with Doctor Who, Supernatural and DC.