10 Doctor Who Episodes To Watch For Halloween 2022

6. The Unquiet Dead

Doctor Who The Waters of Mars The Flood
BBC Studios

As Donna Noble says in The Unicorn and the Wasp, “That’s like meeting Charles Dickens, and he’s surrounded by ghosts, at Christmas", which is exactly what happens to the Doctor in this Series 1 episode.

This episode has everything a classic campfire horror story has to offer: human possessions, séances, zombie corpses, and terrifying screams which are bound to keep you up at night.

This episode actually provided a little bit of backstory into the Doctor’s new incarnation, as it’s found that the ghostly figures are the Gelth, a form of life that has been devastated by the Time War between the Time Lords and the Daleks, which caused their bodies to convert into a gaseous apparition.

The Gelth planned on taking over the Earth by putting their gaseous creatures into dead people, before murdering the living so they have more bodies to fill. Although the CGI in the episode is a bit questionable, the dead-eyed zombies are absolutely chilling.

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Writer. Loves films and tv shows. Obsessed with Doctor Who, Supernatural and DC.