10 Doctor Who Episodes To Watch For Halloween 2022

5. Mummy On The Orient Express

Doctor Who The Waters of Mars The Flood
BBC Studios

Sorry Donna, but in this Orient Express story, only one person did it.

The Doctor and Clara are on one last hurrah on the Orient Express - which is in space, of course. Clara believed it to be an average trip with no monsters or tricks, but the Doctor couldn’t help but investigate the mysterious Gus, who had tried to entice him onboard before.

Mummy on the Orient Express is filled with excellent imagery, as a 66-second countdown will often start in the bottom-left of the screen, indicating that someone is about to die before it elapses.

The creepy image of the mummy, a.k.a. The Foretold, sneaking up on its victim (no-one but the victim is aware of the creature surrounding them) makes the tension and fear of the episode heightened. Further still, nobody - including the Doctor - knows who the next victim will be.

The Foretold quickly became one of the most memorable and horrific monsters in Doctor Who history, based on its creepy appearance and frightening way of killing its prey.

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Writer. Loves films and tv shows. Obsessed with Doctor Who, Supernatural and DC.