10 Doctor Who Episodes To Watch For Halloween 2022

4. The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances

Doctor Who The Waters of Mars The Flood
BBC Studios

"Are you my mummy?”

Ask any Doctor Who fan and we can guarantee they know exactly what episode that catchphrase is from. In this Series 1 two-parter, it didn’t make much for writer Steven Moffat to up the creep factor - just a kid wearing a gas mask walking around asking “Are you my mummy?” in the middle of the London blitz.

The Empty Child is definitely the creepiest of the two, as The Doctor Dances does have a surprisingly happy ending, becoming one of the most optimistic Doctor Who endings ever.

However, we can’t talk about The Empty Child without mentioning the terrifying scene of Dr. Constantine morphing into one of the gas mask zombies as the Doctor watches on in horror, as he himself cannot help the poor man.

This story is one of the more suspenseful in the show as we never know where the child is, what it wants (until the very end), or what it's going to do if it catches up to its “Mummy”.

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Writer. Loves films and tv shows. Obsessed with Doctor Who, Supernatural and DC.