10 Doctor Who Facts You Won't Believe Are True

9. Kate Bush's Cloudbusting Inspired An Episode Of The Sarah Jane Adventures

Doctor Who Matt Smith Eleventh Doctor
BBC Studios

The Sarah Jane Adventures follows Sarah Jane Smith, her son Luke, and his various friends as they attempt to solve alien mysteries the Doctor can't be bothered with.

In the Series 1 story Warriors of Kudlak, the gang must stop a bunch of baddies using laser tag to kidnap teenagers, and writer Phil Gladwin wrote on his blog that he got the idea for this serial from a rather unexpected place.

When he first pitched the story, he was mainly inspired by the character played by Donald Sutherland in Kate Bush's Cloudbusting music video. That character - Wilhelm Reich - was an inventor who created a device that is pointed at the sky, and makes it rain! In Warriors of Kudlak, this device would attract the attention of a passing spaceship.

Throughout development, the story changed significantly from Gladwin's original vision, though a few of those cloudbusting seeds remain in the final version - such as Sarah Jane and Maria on a hilltop in the first episode, stood in a golden shower.

We know you're chuckling, but look at them, they literally are stood in a golden shower!

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.