10 Doctor Who Love Stories That Will Warm Your Heart(s)

2. Amy Pond And Rory Williams

Probably Doctor Who's most famous love triangle, the Eleventh Doctor, Amy and Rory went on a long journey that spanned three series. Obsessed and psychologically affected by her childhood meeting with the Doctor, Amy was possibly recovering when he returned to her life and whisked her off with him the night before her wedding to Rory. It was only when Amy was forced to choose between the Doctor and Rory by the Dream Lord's machinations that her feelings for Rory became clear. Alas, he was erased from time shortly afterwards.

However, love endures in Doctor Who. Rory may be dead but Amy manages to resurrect him with some Auton technological and plastic Rory guards her - for 2,000 years, no less - when she is locked in the Pandorica. Rory also stands by her through the trauma of her losing her child and that child becoming River Song, the Doctor's assassin.

It is their refusal to give in to the fate that time has decreed them that makes Amy and Rory's romance one of Doctor Who's finest. Rather than lose the other, the pair sacrifice themselves, thereby creating a paradox that saves New York from the Weeping Angels. Their sacrifice is practically pointless in the end, though, because Rory is zapped back in time, anyway. Amy ultimately chooses to sacrifice her travels with the Doctor in order to go be reunited with Rory and seconds later fans learn -albeit by their gravestones in the present - that they've lived out a full and happy life together. Timey-wimey and that.

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Writer of The Blog of Delights, a review site covering film, TV, cult TV, books and audio. Fan of Dr Who, Bond, X-Men and Marvel. Also the writer of e-book 'Fictional Legends: Doctor Who - the TV Adventures' for Collca.