10 Doctor Who Moments The Actors Hated

Peter Kay regrets Love & Monsters? What a surprise!

Doctor Who Flesh and Stone Karen Gillan Amy Pond
BBC Studios

For almost any actor, landing a job on Doctor Who would be a dream come true.

The show has been on the air for so long now that multiple generations of children have grown up watching it. Some of those kids ended up wearing the ultimate Doctor Who crown (hello Russell T Davies, Steven Moffat, and Chris Chibnall), while others became actors, and ended up becoming part of the series that entertained them so much when they were younger.

And some of those actors weren't 100% pleased with their time on the show.

Some hated storytelling decisions in certain episodes, feeling like their characters were done dirty. Others weren't pleased with bigger-picture elements of their eras, while some just couldn't stand the characters that they played.

Regardless, they've all got one thing in common, and that's that they all enjoyed a good whinge after the fact, and listen, who doesn't love a good whinge from time to time?

10. Nicola Bryant Vs. Timelash

Doctor Who Flesh and Stone Karen Gillan Amy Pond
BBC Studios

Peri Brown is rarely found near the top of anyone's 'best companions' list, and it didn't help that for a lot of her time on the show, she wasn't given much to do.

Nicola Bryant's American student began as a companion to the Fifth Doctor, but gained notoriety alongside the Sixth. She would often come under fire from this more brash iteration of the Doctor, bearing the brunt of his rudeness and, in an infamous scene, being full-on throttled by him.

Bryant herself wasn't a fan of how her character was used at times, particularly in the 1985 serial Timelash.

"I spent most of Timelash tied to a pole," she said in a chat with Doctor Who Magazine, referring to Peri's role as a hostage for a large chunk of the story. "It was so small-minded. I have spoken to some of the other assistants and we all suffered from that problem."

Bryant was also disappointed that Peri's death was later retconned, though she was pleased that she didn't get the typical, tearful, "Goodbye, Doctor" scene.

Although given that said retcon involved marrying her off to a warlord, Peri probably wasn't long for this world either way!

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.