10 Doctor Who Villains Who Actually Won

8. The Flood (The Waters Of Mars)

Doctor Who Amy's Choice Toby Jones as the Dream Lord
BBC Studios

An episode that put millions of children off showering for good, The Waters of Mars is one of those rare stories where the villain is actually predestined to win.

While the Doctor is visiting Bowie Base One on Mars - a genius little joke, by the way - he discovers that its crew is slowly being infected by a waterborne parasite called the Flood.

One of the greatest one-off villains ever, the Flood turns its victims into zombie-like creatures with cracked skin around their mouths. Also, they constantly spew water, which is as scary as it is gross.

Though this horrific enemy is seemingly vanquished when the base is blown up, the damage had already been done by that point.

Most of the crew members - engineer Margaret Cain, tech-head Roman Groom, and no-nonsense deputy Ed Gold - have already been converted by the Flood, with Captain Adelaide Brooke taking her own life in order to maintain this fixed point in time.

This event cannot be changed no matter how hard the Doctor tries. The base must always be destroyed, its people must always perish, and the Flood must always win.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.