10 Exact TV Moments That Made Fans Rage Quit

3. The Nuke -24: Season Six

The Walking Dead Negan
20th Century Fox

24 fans had every reason to be excited about season six; the previous season was arguably the show’s finest, it ended on a great cliffhanger and the storylines being teased sounded juicy. The first few episodes are pretty good, but it quickly devolved into recycling old plots, lame new characters and empty twists.

The writing was on the wall with episode four, where Jack has to kill series regular Curtis to prevent him shooting a former terrorist. This moment is pointless shock value and a waste of a good character, but the episode doubles down.

It ends with a SWAT team raiding a warehouse where terrorists are assembling a mini nuke. It looks like it will be stopped in the nick of time - just like always - only for it to get detonated and wipe out part of the city.

It was a shock for sure, but having this happen so early in the season already lowered the stakes, since it obviously wasn’t going to happen again; plus the show kind of ignores it for the rest of the season. It was a real misstep, and for many it marks the show’s downturn.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.