10 Frightfully Good Doctor Who Audios For Halloween

7. The Cloisters Of Terror

SUMMARY: A young woman has gone missing from an all-girls college in Oxford, and the new Dean is keen to find her. Her roommate says the Sisters took her, three ghostly nuns that are meant to haunt the college. The Dean dismisses this idea as mere myth however, after all there is a nunnery on campus. Instead she does what a good Dean would, goes to call the police.

When she arrives at her study though she discovers that there's a police box in there! She's not sure what's going on, but there's a man and a woman in the room as well. They're called the Doctor and Leela, and they really want to help…

WHY LISTEN? This story has a nice gothic feel to it, with the characters exploring crypts and researching religious legends in the library. Leela really shines in this story, fearless as always, she tackles the ghosts head on and becomes key in helping the Doctor save the day.

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A freelance writer and Doctor Who fan.