10 Frightfully Good Doctor Who Audios For Halloween

6. The Flying Dutchman/Displaced

SUMMARY: The first of these two stories sees the Doctor, Hex and Ace arrive on a ship that seems to be abandoned. It soon turns out the crew are hiding in the lower decks, after sighting the infamous ghost ship The Flying Dutchman. Ace thinks the Dutchman must have something to do with aliens, whilst Hex isn’t ready to rule out real ghosts. The Doctor is sceptical of both. But who’s right?

The second story sees the TARDIS land in another abandoned place, a family home out in the countryside. The house is entirely locked up and there’s no one there, only dust and a half-finished cup of tea. What has happened to the occupants? Why won’t the TARDIS let them leave? Is Ace right, is the house…haunted?

WHY LISTEN? Both these stories are well-written with excellently done twists. Even though they are only two-parters, both are crammed with story and character, with Displaced in particular leaving a real emotional impact. While neither are very scary, they are both atmospheric. The Flying Dutchman has a definite Scooby Doo vibe to it, whilst Displaced feels like a supernatural drama. The acting is also great, with the TARDIS team working brilliantly together.

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A freelance writer and Doctor Who fan.