10 Greatest "I'm Dead And I Know It" Moments From Modern Doctor Who

8. Captain Jack Harkness - The Parting Of The Ways

Doctor Who Face The Raven

The end of the first season of the revival was an action-packed affair, featuring Daleks, godlike Companions, and heartwrenching goodbyes. However, it was also a beginning of sorts, particularly for one Captain Jack Harkness.

He had been introduced several episodes earlier as a time agent from the 51st century. From that point to this, he quickly became a fun companion for Rose and the Doctor, traveling with them if only for a short time. Here, however, on Satelite Five, he comes face to eyestalk with the Daleks.

Jack was a hero, through and through. He attempted to rally the survivors of the satellite together to form a last stand against the deadly foes, yet the barricades were all overwhelmed. After an emotional goodbye to both of his new friends, he goes to lead the charge. A Dalek manages to corner him and he stands there, arms outstretched, facing the monster down with bravery. It aims its weapon and kills him with a single shot.

Now as we all know, Rose brings him back (forever) when she takes the Time Vortex inside her mind, but this last stand went down in the history books as one of the show's boldest overall.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick