10 Greatest "I'm Dead And I Know It" Moments From Modern Doctor Who

7. Gwyneth - The Unquiet Dead

Doctor Who Face The Raven

Gwyneth was a resident of Cardiff, around the same time that Charles Dickens was composing his Christmas Carol. Therefore, her experiences with the ghost-like species, the Gelth, directly influenced his writing. While that was great for Dickens, it was less pleasant for Gwyneth herself.

The Gelth professed to be peaceful aliens who were simply looking for a new home after their own had been lost in the Time War. This affected the Doctor deeply, as he had been one of the major combatants in the War, with the Time Lords being, at least partly, responsible overall. Therefore, he agrees to help, and Gwyneth agrees to be a host as they come through the rift.

In one of the most mysterious deaths in Doctor Who history, Gwyneth is killed by the Gelth the moment she steps into the rift, but this doesn't stop her. She tells the others in the building to escape, before lighting a match and igniting the gas around them. She does this with a stoicism that borders on creepy, as she is aware that there is no coming back from this. What's more, The Doctor reckons she did all of it from beyond the grave.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick