10 Greatest "I'm Dead And I Know It" Moments From Modern Doctor Who

3. Pete Tyler - Father's Day

Doctor Who Face The Raven
BBC Studios

Father's Day is one of the most impactful episodes of Christopher Eccelston's season as the Doctor. Rose wants to go back in time to see her Dad, who died when she was a baby. She promises the Doctor that she'll do nothing to affect the timeline and, fool that he is, he believes her. Unsurprisingly, she darts out and rescues Pete from a car crash at the last moment.

This leads to a new horror in the form of the Reapers, monsters that do anything they can to heal the fractures in time - such as the one Rose has just created. While there is a lot of fun seeing Jackie Tyler in full eighties get up, trying to understand who Rose is and what she's doing there, the episode quickly becomes one of the most affecting overall. Pete, after having the rules of Time Travel explained to him, understands what he needs to do.

Setting the timeline right again, Pete steps outside the Church after telling his family how much he loves them then runs at full-speed to face the car. It hits him and the timeline is set to rights again. His haunted look just before he goes is one of the most memorable in all of Doctor Who.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick