10 Greatest "I'm Dead And I Know It" Moments From Modern Doctor Who

4. Clara Oswald - Face The Raven

Doctor Who Face The Raven
BBC Studios

Clara Oswald was a divisive companion. Part of this is down to the fact that when she was introduced, her storyline was all over the place. She never quite fit with Matt Smith's Eleventh Doctor in the way that she came to fit with Peter Capaldi's Twelfth. Although she ended up being one of the longest-serving companions in the revival era of Doctor Who, her eventual departure was somewhat underwhelming.

Having said that, Jenna Coleman delivered an absolute blinder of performance in Face The Raven. Having lost the love of her life in the form of Danny Pink, her actions became increasingly erratic and reckless, as she often failed to stop and consider the consequences of what she was doing. This led almost directly to her death.

Her friend Rigsy is used as bait to lure the Doctor by Me, previously known as Ashildr. Clara, without realizing the cost, takes this countdown tattoo from his neck to hers. This seals her fate, as once passed on, the tattoo cannot be removed. Not even the Doctor can save her at this point. At first, she doesn't believe it, though she quickly accepts it, as though her journey had always been in this direction. She reminds the Doctor to keep living, to keep smiling, and not to give in to revenge.

Then, she steps outside and waits for the Raven. It is a heartbreaking end - even if she does get saved, in a way, two episodes later.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick