10 Heart-Breaking Doctor Who Moments

7. Donna€™s Husband Turns Out To Be Real (€œSilence in the Library/Forest of the Dead€, 2008)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2iC5U8t9-M Poor Donna, always getting the short end out of life. We know it, the Doctor knows it and she knows it. So it was a wonderful thing when she met a man and fell in love. When he turned out not to be real, it was very sad for her, but she kind of expected it. What she doesn€™t know, and the audience does, is that the man was actually very real. Donna missed out on a chance for true love and happiness with a great man and I can€™t think of too many things more heartbreaking than that.
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Doctor Who
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Chris Swanson is a freelance writer and blogger based in Phoenix, Arizona, where winter happens to other people. His blog is at wilybadger.wordpress.com