10 Huge Doctor Who Moments Everyone Was Waiting For (That Never Happened)

5. The Children Of Death

Doctor Who The Giggle David Tennant Matt Smith Ncuti Gatwa
BBC Studios

Russell T Davies loves a good tease. He built entire series arcs around vague repeated words, and gave David Tennant a shock regeneration slap-bang in the middle of a story.

But sometimes, those teases didn't pay off.

The Stolen Earth and Journey's End has talking sushi Dalek Caan constantly teasing a death for one of the Children of Time, the companion group who came together to combat the might of Davros' New Dalek Empire. And in the end, nobody died.

Donna comes close when the TARDIS is dropped into the heart of the Crucible, but escapes as quickly as the danger arrives. Throughout the story, you're waiting for the penny to drop and for another companion to be put in mortal peril, but the moment never comes.

You could argue that Donna Noble "died" because she had to have her memories wiped (and this is clearly what Dalek Caan was teasing), but a normal Doctor-less life isn't a death.

Though to be fair, "One of them will wake up at home with no memory of what happened", doesn't exactly work as an ominous prophecy, does it?

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.