10 Intriguing Movie Roles Matt Smith Should Play
3. Q

Ben Whishaw is currently the young, foppish incarnation of Ian Fleming's famous "Q"uartermaster in the Daniel Craig era of James Bond. Despite him being very successful in the part, Whishaw is one of the country's most respected actors and whether he'd remain with the franchise for multiple installments is an issue cloudier than David Hockney's paint brush jar.
When Craig moves on there's likely to be other changes in personnel at the top. Should producers decide to carry Q on in the same vein, it doesn't take a gadget-inventing genius to work out that Matt Smith would be top of the list of actors to call. He practically screams "Pay attention, 007!" and his innate sense of slapstick could create a slew of memorable moments to boot.
The Bond brand also shows the world everything that's great about Britain and Smith is a fine ambassador for his country. It isn't a stretch to imagine him applying his considerable talents to the polite but deadly world of international espionage!