10 Memorable Post-Regeneration Moments In Doctor Who

8. The Eighth Doctor Kisses His Companion - The Doctor Who Movie

Doctor Who regeneration The Stolen Earth
BBC Studios

The modern series of Doctor Who introduced many new elements to the show, and you’d be forgiven for assuming that the romantic love-interest was one of them. However, it was actually the Eighth Doctor’s post-regenerative kiss with his companion Grace that started it all.

Like the first regeneration, this first kiss was an important development in the Who universe, one that suggested that the Doctor could actually have romantic feelings for a companion; something which hadn’t been explored in the classic series. The scene itself is rather sweet, with the Eighth Doctor realising who he is and kissing Grace in his excitement. Whilst you might think that this is mere post-regenerative craziness, when Grace asks him to kiss her again, he does. The Doctor even kisses Grace goodbye at the end of the film, in one of its most iconic scenes - with fireworks going off in the background. The whole thing is a pretty straightforward romance subplot, but for Doctor Who it helped herald a change that would pave the way for the likes of Rose Tyler.

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A freelance writer and Doctor Who fan.