10 More Most Paused Star Trek Moments

9. Star Trek And Doctor Who - One Extended Family

R2D2 Star Trek
CBS Media Ventures / Paramount Pictures

Clare Raymond is one of three humans revived from cryo-sleep in the final episode of Star Trek The Next Generation's first season. Discovered on the edge of the Neutral Zone, they were facing eternity in oblivion, before the Enterprise rescued them. They are from the early 21st Century and are understandably confused to find themselves waking up in the 24th.

Clare speaks to Deanna Troi about her feelings of loss and hopelessness and in a bid to help her relax, the counsellor helps her trace her descendants through time. The names of her nieces and nephews pop up on one of the computer screens, with some very interesting names in the Raymond family.

To start, the cast of the Next Generation seem to have joined her family along the way. Jonathan F, Brent S, Cheryl Gates, Marina and LeVar are all names that have been in her family at one point. However, look closely. William Hartnell, Jon Pertwee and Peter Davison, Doctors One, Three and Five are all there too.

In the original version of the episode, Patrick Troughton, Tom Baker and Colin Baker were all listed, though these names were scrubbed for the remastered edition.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick