10 More Most Paused Star Trek Moments

2. Trip Tucker Sprinkles

R2D2 Star Trek

Connor Trinneer's Trip Tucker was easily one of the best aspects of Star Trek: Enterprise and to this day, These Are The Voyages didn't happen, ok? Now that's settled, we can move on. One thing that Enterprise was infamous for was the numerous decon chamber scenes, which appeared in the very first episode and continued throughout the entire show.

In the first season episode Acquisition, Trip actually manages to save the ship in his underwear, proving that Starfleet uniforms really are optional, when one thinks about it. He is in the decon chamber when the ship is adrift. The rest of the crew are knocked out and a Ferengi scavenging party board Enterprise. Trip is forced to head toward main engineering clad in nothing but his blue underwear and a vest. Despite this lack of a jumpsuit, the man manages to evade capture.

There really isn't any reason for him to be dressed thusly, other than it being a gift to loyal viewers through the year. It would not be the last time that Trinneer's impressive physique was on full display in Enterprise's four year run.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick