10 Most Emotional Moments On The Walking Dead

8. Rick Knew About Lori's Affair

The Walking Dead Romance

Lori wouldn’t be described as a fan favourite. In fact, she’s probably the most hated character on a show that always includes the likes of The Governor and Negan, which is almost high praise. She didn’t help her position by being quite unlikeable during season two, quietly pitting Rick and Shane against each other, managing to crash a car on an abandoned road, and not keeping tabs on her wayward son.

Still, she’s had moments of humanity, and the scene where she tries to confess her affair with Shane to Rick, only for him to admit he already knew, is the most emotional scene between them.

She feels ashamed and he’s heartbroken to have his biggest fear confirmed, and it’s tough not to feel bad for both of them. The fact their marriage would soon become irreparable wasn’t much fun either.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.