10 Most Emotional Moments On The Walking Dead

3. Eastman's Backstory

The Walking Dead Romance

Eastman was the guy who nursed Morgan back to sanity after his breakdown, taking him in and curing him of his desire to murder everything in sight. He teaches him aikido and how to find some inner peace, and their episode together is easily the standout of season six.

He seems like a nice dude, so you have to wonder why he has a homemade cell. He eventually reveals to Morgan he used to a prison psychologist, and that one of his patients escaped and murdered his family out of vengeance for being denied parole. Eastman then built a cell, locked his ex-patient inside and let him starve to death over 47 days.

Given Eastman’s zen vibe it’s chilling to hear he was capable of such a thing, but it’s even worse knowing the act just made him feel worse. He was at least able to save Morgan from the edge, which is some kind of victory.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.