10 Most Hated Doctor Who Characters

8. Clara Oswald

Doctor Who Perri

Clara Oswald, as played by Jenna Coleman, was introduced to audiences in Asylum of the Daleks, after which she was promptly killed off. Then brought back again. And killed off again. The Impossible Girl travelled with the 11th and 12th Doctors, becoming the longest-serving companion of the revived Doctor Who series.

Oswin, as she was first known, was well received. Her surprise introduction in the first episode of the seventh season threw off audiences' expectations, as she had been announced to be replacing Karen Gillan. She would return as Clara in the Christmas special The Snowmen, where her character again received praise.

However, it was her turn as the standard version of Clara that began to wear on viewers. She outlasted Matt Smith in the TARDIS, though her relationship with Peter Capaldi became quite different. Despite, arguably, the greatest episode of the revival taking place in their tenure, Clara's increasing rashness following the death of Danny made her difficult for people to empathise with.

Coleman was written out of the show at the end of the eighth series before Moffat elected to bring her back for another year. Despite season nine being overall a stronger season than the previous one, her character became harder and harder to like. Her death in Face The Raven was suitably affecting, though slightly underdone when she returned in the season finale. Her reception came from a place of outstaying her welcome, with some stellar stories peppered within.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick