10 Most Messed Up Deaths In Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

7. Jadzia Dax - Tears Of The Prophets

Star Trek Deep Space Nine Torah Ziyal RIP
CBS Media Ventures

Killed by a disgruntled producer, or by a possessed supervillain - we shall leave that for history to decide. Either way, Jadzia Dax received one of the cruelest, most brutal deaths in Deep Space Nine.

The signs were there. She had just received the news that she and Worf were capable of conceiving, which is akin to any soldier in a war film showing a picture of their honey back home. You know the second the photo comes out, that poor bugger is marked for death.

Mid-prayer to the Prophets, or Wormhole Aliens as she preferred to label them, Dax is struck down by Dukat. Despite his best efforts, Bashir is unable to save Jadzia, though he manages to save the symbiont. There is a little comfort in knowing that her memories live on through Ezri, but this was a truly unfair, messed up death. 

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick